Envelope Inspiration: A Stamp Starts It All

Today I have created a decorated envelope that draws its inspiration from a stamp. With a season of events that need decorated envelopes to carry the greetings, I’ve been using the opportunity to work at my art and make memorable greetings. “Decorated Envelopes” for a friend who has had surgery, a cousin who is having a birthday and a great niece who is graduating from college—what a fun way to play in my studio! The stamp, and sometimes the commercially made card design itself, inspire my envelopes. Watch this short video to see one “happen.”

Decorated Envelopes ready to send

I’m using gouache paint which is an opaque watercolor. The stamp I am inspired by is one you can get from the US Post Office. If it isn’t available at your PO, go online to  https://store.usps.com/store/results/stamps/_/N-9y93lv     You can order stamps and they are delivered right to your mailbox. How cool is that?

Hope you enjoy the video.  Now, I’m off to shower and prepare for a graduation celebration.


Question: What stamp can inspire you to create a decorated envelope for someone special in your life?

Painting Celtic Knot Work with Gouache

This week I am taking a break from overtly spiritual reflections and have prepared a video highlighting how I work on one of my illuminated letters. I am working on a set of all 26 letters of the alphabet and this letter “A” is my first. The video shows how I paint Celtic knot work and it gives you a bit of background in what my tools and materials are for painting in this ancient style.

I hope you will come along and watch as I paint on my Celtic letter “A”.

You can find this and other tutorial videos on my YouTube channel  (Karyn Jeffrey- The Designing Woman   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_J6vhzsxkCeAkwXs7PqTQw  )

QUESTION: Have you every painted in watercolor? Opaque watercolor? (gouache) Ever wanted to?