Spring is the time of year that causes me to feel “burst-y” with enthusiasm, joy, exuberance and hope. The dawning days of spring are subtle but unmistakable. The snow piles recede before the relentless golden orb that warms the ground. Spring buds of crocus and daffodils push the moldy dirt aside with a fragile beauty that belies their sturdy and intense imperative to grow. Cold and nearly dark mornings are clamorous with raucous bird chatter. There is no doubt that spring is breaking. Winter’s solemn grip of icy silence is cracking before the pressure of resurgent life.
It seems so fitting that as spring elbows its way to ascendancy over the cold and dark of winter that we celebrate the glorious truth that Jesus, crucified, dead and buried for three days, rose to endless and powerful life. What magnificent work our God has accomplished!
Our God is not a dead god like Buddha or a solitary and remote god like Allah. He is not an imaginary man-made god of stone like Ashtoreth or Ra. Our God is the true and living God. In His mysterious three-in-one Personage, He came as a man to dwell among us. As the Man Jesus, He lived a perfect life. Jesus suffered an ignominious death at the hands of His own creation. He chose to die in the place of sinful man under the Father’s righteous wrath against sin. He laid three days cold and dead in the tomb until that glorious morning when in His eternal power He broke the bonds of death and rose to triumphant eternal life. He has given that life to those who believe this. What a gift I have in Christ Jesus! Eternal life. Fellowship with Almighty God. Hallelujah, what a Savior!

QUESTION: As we celebrate Resurrection Day this Sunday won’t you join me in the praise of our wonderful Savior?