Every autumn I begin thinking of how I want to structure my personal time with God in the coming year. One year I chose to use a devotional called Heart Aflame: Daily Readings from Calvin on the Psalms. ISBN 0-87552-458-3 (pbk) It was a very fruitful year for me spiritually. Other years have been other books, but for this year I decided to try a less “other person’s work” approach. I am planning to focus on God’s Promises.
The scheme is this:
- Every Sunday I am going to spend some time reading the Word mining for a promise that bears more meditation.
- I will read the surrounding context, and choose the main promise as a verse I will work on memorizing during the week.
- I am going to make a 3×5 card for each week with the context passage noted, the verse written out
(to look back to for memorizing process) and then notes during the week of other passages that correspond…things I find in the margin notes, or that I stumble across and that play into the Word that the Spirit is speaking to me.
I’m excited about this project. As I was reflecting on how to share it with you, I thought I should tell you that one of the things I really want to do—have wanted and sought to do for years—is to KNOW God.
Years ago I read the book, Knowing God, by J.I. Packer. It is a Christian classic that really impacted my life. (I encourage you to find a copy and read it.) Packer emphasizes the fact that God is so vast that learning about Him is an eternity-long project. God reveals Himself in Scripture in so many ways that just draw you to Him and make you love Him more and more. His promise-making and promise-keeping are part of who He is in relation to us, His special creation. So, I want to think about what He has promised me. I want to make this year one that warms my heart with love, joy and faith in my wonderful, faithful, Promise-Keeping God and Savior.
I hope you will find a way to meet God regularly this year. I would love to have you tag along on this adventure with me. Each week I will post my passage and promise. OOPS! That is a big promise…so, I will add the word “try” to that-
Post a comment below if you like. I’d love to hear from you.
QUESTION: What will be your “New Year” resolution in your relation to Jesus?