Old Age Bloom

Lately life in our fallen world has been tugging hard on me… I am feeling “old”—a very unpleasant feeling because I am subtly saddled with the culture’s preoccupation with youth and vitality. The sense of drifting off into old age is troubling. In the past few days, knowing that I am sinking into despair over this, I have asked God for a renewed sense of joy and enthusiasm and a proper perspective on aging.
Just this morning as I was downloading pictures from my camera the Holy Spirit tapped me on the shoulder. You see, this picture of these glorious begonias was taken yesterday—November 3.


So what is the big deal? Well….. I live in the Inland Northwest and normally by this time of year, we have had a hard freeze and sometimes even snow. Not this year! Night before last was our first frost. Yes, first frost! Wow! Even our garden flowers have been blooming wildly until just two nights ago. This planter full of wax begonias has just gotten showier when ordinarily they would have faded back near the end of September!

Back to the photo download and God’s little nudge to my inner man. I immediately thought of the place in Psalms that speaks of how the people of God display His glory in their old age.


What an encouraging reminder of what God plans as I age. So my prayer: “Lord, I want to be a wildly beautiful display of your glory even in my old age! Thank you for the reminder that this is Your promised plan for me!”
Question: What part of growing older is hard for you? Have you asked God to help you put it into perspective?

2 thoughts on “Old Age Bloom

  1. Yes getting older has a way of changing things, the things you do and want to do. It also changes your perspective. When I retired I prayed asking God for a women’s Bible study to attend and something to do that had meaning. He answered by prayers way beyond anything I could imagine. I found the most wonderful women’s Bible study and friendship with Christian women. He also led me to a women’s political organization that has good influence in the community and strives to glorify God in all they do. I may not be able to do gardening anymore, but I have a Bible, a computer and many, many new friends. I am truly blessed.

  2. Thanks, Carolyn, for the positive feedback! You are a great blessing in our Bible Study group… God is indeed good—all the time.
    Blessings, K

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