“What a coincidence!” “What are the chances?” So many times I’ve said or heard those surprised remarks when events have come together in ways that seem completely unlikely. Events that amaze us in this way make us think, consciously or not, that they have come about completely at random. My mental picture is of a galaxy-sized green felt gaming table with hands shaking a pair of dice, tossing them and “ta-dah: a pair of sixes!”

But on serious reflection, my belief in God makes this silly picture utter nonsense. What I believe about
God makes and enormous difference in what I believe about how life unfolds. My beliefs shape what I think when I’m running late for an appointment and stalled a traffic light. It changes my vision of the timing of all the transactions and details needed to sell my house, find a new one and make a major move. My convictions about God and His character colors my response to this winter. It seems endless with more snow and cold that has stretched into March. “Where is spring?!”
When face with events that come together in very beneficial and unexpected ways I am turned again to contemplate my amazing Heavenly Father.
The Scriptures say “He has made everything that was made.” (John 1:3) He has named every star (Psalm 147:4) and knows every hair on my head (Matthew 10:30). Scripture declares that Jesus holds every molecule of the universe together “by the word of His power.” (Hebrews 1:3) It says He has set the bounds of the seas (Proverbs 8:29), turns the hearts of men and women where He desires (Proverbs 16:9) raises up kings and puts others down. (Psalm 75:7).
God asks Job piercing questions that vividly show the limits of puny human powers in the face of the Almighty God. I am stopped cold by the force of the comparison of who I am in relation to this vast, inscrutable and almighty Being.
If God orchestrates the rise and fall of nations and kings, if He controls the wind the waves with just a word, if He holds back the ocean by His decree, why would I ever think that two events colliding in a surprising way in my life are “coincidence.”?
He created all things. He upholds all things. He has made me His child by His Son, Jesus’, merciful sacrifice in my place. So why would He leave the unfolding of my life to “chance”?
Is there really such a thing as “chance” in the face of the reality of our Almighty God? “Chance” is not chance even on the gaming tables of every casino in the world. God knows and directs those dice rolls, roulette spins and poker hands. He is using every human action, every weather event, every purpose and plan we make to accomplish His will.

This knowledge give me tremendous peace. Faced with so many unexpected twists and turns in life, from small “where are my keys?!” moments to “I have cancer?!” shocks, God is there. He has planned and is ruling every detail. He is not a diabolical, cruel puppet-master, but as the good and gracious One who made me, loves me and loves the world He created. He has plans that will come to pass as He chooses. And every event will glorify Him and be for my good. (Romans 8:29)
QUESTION: What or who do you believe controls the events of life?
Do you rest in the living God who keeps and leads you every step toward eternity?
Here is a poem by one of my favorite poets: William Cowper, 1731-1800. It is from his series of poems called the “Olney Hymns.” Olney Hymns LXVIII