February here in my area was very cold and very snowy compared to nearly all previous recorded February weather. As a consequence, today, the first official day of spring, there are large expanses of snow on lawns and fields. Driveways and curbs suffer heaps of grubby, gravelly ice. All these sordid remains of the miseries of winter are fast fading under the onslaught of sunshine—relentless, lovely, blue-sky sunshine. The patter-drip of melted snow in the gutter downspout is background to the cheerful songs of juncos and robins in the throes of spring romance.
Sunshine is so delicious to the soul after so many weeks and months of grayness. I sit facing my big window soaking in the “shine.” I smile at the pleasure of the light and warmth of the sun and as I sit, rather like a turtle on a rock, my mind ranges over the similarity of the sun to Jesus. You may be puzzled at that comparison. Let me elaborate.
In the book of John we read that Jesus declared “I am the Light of the World.” Obviously He isn’t the sun we see in the sky, but rather His Light is truth and reality for all mankind.
Ponder this: the sun is an incredibly powerful element of creation. It pulses with unfathomable energy. Though it is 93 million miles from earth it wields influence in every corner of the globe, every hour of the day. It even displays its glory by sharing its light with the moon. That entrancing silvery light, cold and in the night, is the sun second hand!
As the sun warms the earth it stirs plants to grow, giving each green leaf and blade the energy it needs to grow and flourish. That energy and life makes possible the very air we breathe and provides what we need to nourish our bodies. The fundamentals of our very existence are right there in the light of the sun.
So it is with Jesus. As His Light is shed in our hearts we are made into new creations. We flourish and grow. He and His Word are the very spiritual air we breathe and bread we eat.
“Who among all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this, in whose had is the life of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind?”
Job 12: 9-10
“Jesus said to them, ‘I am the Bread of Life, he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.’
“John 6:35
He lights our life with His Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides our footsteps and lights our way.

Jesus is the most powerful light – eclipsing the sun. What joy to bask in His love and wisdom. What comfort to have Him as the One who shows me the way to live.
It is my hope and prayer that I would reflect His light just as the moon reflects the sun. The moon, even with its pale reflection of the sun, inspires wonder at its mysterious beauty. I hope that as I live for Jesus that His Light would shine through me so others see His beauty, mystery, and power.
QUESTION: Do you have the True Light of Jesus in your heart and Life? Are you reflecting His light to a dark world?