We live in a fallen world besieged by sin and ugliness. Putrid and wicked offenses to mind, heart, and senses threaten to overwhelm. And then there is June. That splendid month that parades her splendor with wild abandon. All the darkness of sin flies before the Light of the World.
Where I live the languorous days of summer stretch early and late. The birds sing before dawn and don’t stop until deep into the dusk. The elm tree sweeps its green swirl of petticoats in the wind. The peonies and iris suffuse the air with fragrance that catches and intrigues me. It is so tantalizing that I want to breathe in deeply — and keep breathing in forever so as not to lose the sublime joy of their perfumes.
Wandering through the dappled light of our backyard the marvels of God’s creation sing from every shrub and plant. The purity of the daisy, the delicacy of the delphinium, the buxom peony’s voluptuous spilling over the wired support all declare the Creator’s awe-inspiring glory.

June seems like the one time of year that our hearts threaten to burst with an irrepressible bubbling inner joy. The lavish display of God’s glory to be seen in our own yards and parks are but a small part of His glorious universe. Consider the pleasure of gazing at a full moon on a summer night. The air is cool, the breeze is gentle and the world is silent. But the works of God produce a majestic symphony for the heart that will listen.

Rejoice with me and savor the month of June. Turn your heart to the One who made this expansive peek into the coming glories of Heaven.
Praise the LORD! I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart….Great are the works of the LORD: they are studied by all who delight in them. Splendid and majestic is His work and His righteousness endures forever. Psalm 111:1-3
QUESTION: What in God’s creation causes you to pause and praise Him?