Hello world!

This blog started when I began painting some pictures for my grandchildren. Now I am nearly done with the project of publishing those pictures in my book, Life in Letters: A Christian Young Person’s Guide to Virtue, Integrity and Peace. The evolution of the book has been amazing.


As an artist, it has been a joy to make the pictures. As a calligrapher it has been a challenge to produce
“beautiful writing” page after page. As a writer, it has been a stretch to do the writing right. (Is that good grammar?) Now, as publication nears, I am excited to meet my readers and interact with you about living a life for God. So, I begin this blog as a tool toward that end.

My choice of title and tagline reflect Psalm 8. There, the Psalmist extols God’s splendor and majesty. And in an astonishing truth, verse 5 declares that He has crowned us with glory and majesty, too!

It is my prayer that all of my life and activity will glorify Him—reflect Him. I desire that my art, writing, cooking, cleaning, befriending, “wife-ing”, “daughter-ing,” indeed, every aspect of my life devoted to reflecting His splendor and majesty.

Won’t you come with me on the journey of reflecting the splendor and majesty of our great Creator and loving Father?

2 thoughts on “Hello world!

  1. Hi Karyn, That is wonderful. I would love to order a copy for my grandchildren. I have been retired for 1 year. It has been interesting, but the Lord has been faithful as always. I keep intending to write you a long ketter, but as yiu know tgat has not happened. Just know your friendship us still one of my most valued!l

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